Play football
IN Stockholm
Play casual football in Stockholm when it suits you. FC Urban organises football games near you so that you can play your favourite sport weekly.
Your first match will be completely free 🔥

Wie es funktioniert
Where to play


Choose the best football game for you in Stockholm
Looking for good football games to share with friends? Here you can join friendly kickabouts every week.
Sign up for games at Gubbängens Bollplan to play on a high quality artificial turf surface or play at Liljeholmshallen if your are looking for fun Futsal games that will improve your technique. 9 different venues are available in Stockholm so check out our schedules and pick football game that best suits you!
Track your stats
120 minutes after your match we update your stats in your profile. We track your goals, number of games played and win/loss ratio for the last 10 games. Join our community by creating a profile, following friends, and competing on our weekly leaderboard.

What our club members say
Games played
Staff and Urban
Nationalities amongst
our users

The perfect plan
for you.
At FC Urban you can play football on your terms. Join as a Member or Try first with Pay-Per-Game.
John and thousands of other people around the globe play with FC Urban.

Häufig gestellte Fragen
Fußballfan? Wir haben genau das Richtige für dich! Wähle einen Plan, der zu deiner Spielhäufigkeit passt – schon ab 7,99 €/Monat. Lade Freunde ein und erhalte Belohnungen für jede Anmeldung. Du kannst dein Abo jederzeit ändern.
Schauen Sie sich unsere an Intercom-Seite um alle unsere FAQs zu sehen

Still have questions?
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact our friendly team.